Monday, August 04, 2008

A summer pudding

Notwithstanding the rain yesterday, I poached a salmon for lunch and stuck with my strawberries and cream plan. As a variation, I made two large Florentines and sandwiched the strawberries and cream inside them. Florentines are not hard to make. All you need is:

2oz chopped mixed peel
3 chopped glace cherries
1oz chopped sultanas
1oz chopped hazlenuts
1oz chopped almonds
2oz butter
2oz sugar
1 teaspoon single cream

Mix the fruit together in a bowl. Melt the butter, stir in the sugar and bring the mixture up to boiling point. Add it to the fruit, giving it a good stir and adding the cream. Leave it to cool slightly. Spread it thinly into one large or a number of smaller Florentines on a greased baking sheet and bake it in the oven at 180 degrees for 12 minutes. When they are cool, you can coat one side (or both) with chocolate but I didn't want to push the calorie count even higher yesterday.


Blogger Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Sounds wonderful, WW.

10:27 pm  
Blogger Whispering Walls said...

I didn't have time to make your bread WL but I've bought the yeast so hope to try it soon.

7:35 am  

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